Sunday, February 26, 2012

Scootering and more scootering! And some other stuffs too!

Well I've been having lots of fun going scootering lately! And not posting much to this blog, 'cause mom hogs the computer so much!

We went on lots of fun outings since my last post!  And with lots of friends!

And we even went all the way to Massachusetts to meet us with the Boston Snow Dogs folks!!

Then, Mom took Dally and I out in the snow in January...she rode on a snowboard, which was kinda silly at first 'cause she kept falling down!  But she finally got the hang of it!

We went more times that that but mom kept forgetting to make her camera work right for some reason!  Here's one from early February!

And, we had a couple of fun runs last weekend, too.


Oh hey, when I was not scootering I got to try out for a photo gig.  Here's my audition video!

and another picture of my skillz:
AND, my photos made the final cut!  Take a look here!
Here's my photo in the window at Dawgdom!
and here are the pics you saw on the website:
Pretty cool, huh?!?!

Speaking of Cool!  Mom has been busy with my little brother too!  I still think he's ok, so I'll show you some of what they have been up to here as well:


He even went on a very brief scooter outing with Caper!

Oh, and here are he and I showing our skillz at getting over the room separator in the house!

Here's a video of us doggies at Christmas playing with out Christmas present puzzle!

Here's my little sister practicing some of her agility skillz!

Well, I think that gets you mostly caught up for now!!  Bark more at ya later!