Well, this blog is WAY behind in updates, and we have plenty of photos to share of our fun Vacation in FL and videos of our Rally, but for now, enjoy this video of me and my brother, sisters, aunties, and foster sister opening out presents on Christmas Day!
Hope you have as much fun watching it as we did starring in it!
This weekend my mom took me and my sister on a really, really, really, really long car ride! Then I stayed in the car for a few hours while my sis got to try something called WAG IT GAMES. Mom says they are really cool - you can see more here: http://wagitgames.com/ Dally learned to put her front feet on a skateboard and push it forward!
Then we went away and mom and I took a hike all by ourselves! That was lovely and I ran and played frisbee and everything.
The next morning, mom took us back to the same place Dally got to play the day before. I was really excited because there were lots of cars and dogs and I just **KNEW** we must be at an agility trial!!!!! Momkept telling me that wasn't true but I didn't believe her.
FINALLY it was my turn to go in the ring and I was SOOOOOOO excited!!! THEN . . . I looked around . . . and . . . I didn't see ANY agility equipment!!!!!!! I was starting to get a little frantic . . . there HAD to be SOMETHING fun in there . . . I saw something and I grabbed for it! But mom told me to leave it! It was a number, she said. She kept having me walk beside her and do those crazy moves. I was still pretty frantic so I was adding my own in there too . . . some extra spins . . . an automatic down instead of a sit . . . what were we DOING???
Mom kept talking to me and she gave me a treat or two . . . then I started to realize this was like when we are at home with the signs in the yard . . . we were playing THAT game!!!! Now I got it!
After that mom said I was such a super, super boy! Then I rested in the car for a little while. Mom took Dally out and she had a turn in the building . . . mom said she did super in her puppy class!
Later, it was my turn again. This time I KNEW what was going on!!! I was super dog and listened and concentrated real hard. I got a huge round of applause at the end!! Later mom told me I was PERFECT! I already knew that!
We went back to the place where we hiked again after Dally had another turn (she was good again too!) This time, when we got there mom left me in the car while she brought Dally to see SHEEPS!!!!! I got back at mom though by eating a huge bag of puperoni. Mom says she doesn't usually get those for us but they were easy in the pockets. They were yummy! Then, *I* got to get the sheep. Later that night I really didn't feel well at all! :( I was sooooooooooo thirsty!!!!! And my tummy hurt a little too. :( In the morning mom saw I had eaten all those 'roni's and she realized why I didn't feel well. She was real worried but I perked up when we got back to the competition place. Iran and played in the yard. They I had another two turns in the ring, and Dally had 1.
We did GREAT!!!!!!!!!! Mom says these are our scores:
Trial 1, Level 1A, score 195 - 4th place
Trial 2, Level 1A, score PERFECT 210! - 1st place
Trial 3 Level 1A, score 208 - 1st place! This earned me my Rally Level 1 Title!!!!!!!!!!!! And an Award of Excellence for having my first 3 Level 1A scores over 190!
Trial 4 Level 1B, score 208 - 3rd place!
PLUS, they gave me two toys and2 more big ribbons for being the High Scoring Rescue Dog and High Scoring NewTeam!!!!!!!!
Trial 1, Level Puppy A, score 207
Trial 2,Level Puppy A, score 205
Trial 3, Level Puppy A,score 192 This earned her her Rally Level Puppy Tittle! And we think an Award of Excellence too!
So, as you can see we were very successful!!! Take a look at our videos!
Me being PERFECT:
Dahlia getting a 208:
Well, that was our cool weekend!!!!!
ArthurGOOD! RL1
and DahliaRIGHT! RLP
We went on a field trip and she got to go into LOWES! Lots of people petted her and mom says she tried to jump on them but mom helped her not to. She wasn't scared of anything! (But mom kept her away from the Halloween Monsters just in case!) Then we both got a new Kong Air Squeaky Tennis Ball! I killed my squeaker on the way home and removed some of the FUZZ, too! Take that, tennis ball!!! Mom says next weekend we get to have a bath! Phooey!
That is all.
Even though I didn't get voted into the NEBCR calendar this year, I still have a shot at getting into a different calendar!!!!! You all can help me by voting for my photo (and the cool part is, my Auntie Sparkle is in it too.)
The sad part is that if you vote for me, you can't vote for my brother, sisters, or Aunties, and that's because only one of our photos can have a spot in the calendar. Mom and GrandPaw decided since mine was such a great action shot, and it also had Sparkle in it, that they would promote it for voting.
So, without further ado, please go and vote for my (or whoever you think is the most deserving!) at: http://polldaddy.com/poll/3919477/ I'm easy to find since I'm the first one listed!
Yup, you guessed it . . . that's my sister snuggling up against me in mom's bed!!! I was just not gonna move for her . . . I didn't really wanna be snuggled up to her really!!!!
That's Cuban Amazon Cypress soaking up the sun in his travel cage . . . he hasn't been able to go out in the aviary since his wing broke so mom takes him out this way. Only 11 more days until all the bandages and pins are removed!!
Well, that is all . . . hope you enjoyed the pics!
Mom rushed home from work today, grabbed me and Dally, and took us to the vet. I stayed in the car (unfair!) and mom took Dally in to weigh her. She was 33.1 pounds! She is 7.5 months old. Mom looked at our records and she doesn't have a weight written down for me at 7.5 months (there might bw one in the computer at the vet but she didn't have a chance to ask them.) But, my weight at 6 months was 35 pounds. Caper's weight at 6 months was 36. Dahlias weight at 6 months was 30 pounds, so mom thinks she's right that Dally will be a wee bit smaller than me. Good thing, since I am her *big* brother!
My little sister graduated from Rally class, she turned 7 months old, her ears went all whichaway and then settled back down. I've been hard at work practicing my jumping! Mom is busy doing tax returns for people who like to give stuff away. The birdies got an aviary makeover! Caper won lots of prizes and medals and ribbons at the DOCNA Champoinships
Hope you enjoyed all the photos!!! You can see we've been busy!!
Hey everyone,
It's me, Arthur, again! My mom wrote that last entry, and she didn't even remember to sign it! How silly of her. Anyway, I am back to my duties. Not sure why she didn't 'et me write last time!
We took the Cuban Amazon birdies on another roadtrip today. It was a long day but Dahlia and I still had some fun playing.
The doctor said that Cypress' surgical site looked good! He got a new bandage and mom took some pics. She wrote on them to try and explain what was happening.
He has to go back in 2 weeks for another bandage change and then again 2 weeks after that for radiographs to see how he is healing.
Here are the pics:
Pretty interesting, isn't it!? Ok, I am off to take a nap, hope you had a good day!
ps - mom said our Rally numbers came today so we can now enter Rally trials if we want to!
Cypress is one of the Cuban Amazon Parrots that lives here. This week, he broke his wing and needed to go to Boston for emergency surgery! First, we went to Greylock Animal Hospital to see Dr. Michelle. She was wonderful, but sent on to Boston to see the specialists. The wonderful doctors at Angell Memorial, Dr. Orcutt and Dr. Trout, were able to put pins in his wing and an external fixature to make the bones rejoin and hopefully heal. It seems it is a very longshot that he might ever be able to fly again, but we are still keeping our fingers crossed that it may just happen - you never know!
Here is an except from Dr. Orcutt's report: "Dr. Trout, one of our surgeons , did an amazing job repairing the fracture while the Avian/Exotics service monitored anesthesia. He placed a pin through the 2 ends pieces of the humerus to align them and further stabilized the bone to prevent rotation on the long axis by placing small pins horizontally through the bone and connecting them with an acrylic bar on the outside of the wing (a KE apparatus). I covered the KE apparatus with a soft padded bandage so that Cypress wouldn't bother it. Post-op radiographs show very good apposition of the boen ends, so now we just have to see how well the bone responds and heals at the fracture site along with assessing the healing of the injured soft tissues as well."
Here are photos of him in his recovery area. It's been changed around a little since these pics were taken but you get the idea. Nothing to climb on so no change to take a fall. A huge variety of foods are being offered to try and encourage him to eat.
In these pics you see dried fruits and nuts. But he's also being offerred scrambled eggs, pellets, corn on the cob, blueberries, fresh veggie mix, sprouts, warm mashes, junk treats, etc.
Here is a video of him eating a bit.
Here is a video at Angell Memorial when we picked him up. His friend Mulberry came along to give him company for the ride home. They were *thrilled* to see one another!
My sister Dahlia got her rabies shot today! So, she is all legal now. She weighed 30.3 pounds and will be 6 months old in exactly one week.
On Sunday, my mom and my Auntie Barb and Uncle Gordy and Auntie Kathy and Uncle Craig all came to my Grandma Lynn's house and they spent all day putting up a big fence!
When they finally finished, they let us out to run and play! We had a lot of fun!
That's Lacy on the lower left and Dahlia's mom Ivy on the top next to me!
That's silly BJ. He's ok.
That's Lynn's rescue sheltie Jade, she's a sable merle.